Conference Paper
Observing actual evapotranspiration within a heterogeneous watershed: case study of the Kamech site, Cap Bon Peninsula, Tunisia. The 2nd International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences (ECAS 2017) - Section A: Atmospheric Physics. :15. . 2017.
Combining field monitoring and aerial photographs to evaluate linear erosion contribution at catchment outlet in Tunisia.. Tunisia-Japan Symposium on Science, Society & Technology, TJASSST 2017, Gammarth, Tunisia, November 24-26th. . 2017.
Evolution des contaminations du sol et des eaux en intrants phytosanitaires sur du long terme : l’exemple du cuivre et des désherbants. Revue Française d'Oenologie. 285:32-35. . 2017.
HD Hydrological modelling at catchment scale using rainfall radar observations.. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017. . 2017.
Observing actual evapotranspiration within a heterogeneous watershed: case study of the Kamech site, Cap Bon Peninsula, Tunisia. The 2nd International Conference on Atmospheric Sciences (ECAS 2017) - Section A: Atmospheric Physics. :15. . 2017.
Do we really use rainfall observations consistent with reality in hydrological modelling. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-28 April 2017. . 2017.
Journal Article
Spatial variability of soil aggregate stability at the scale of an agricultural region in Tunisia. CATENA. 153:157-167. . 2017.
A neutral model for the simulation of linear networks in territories. Ecological Modelling. 363:8-16. . 2017.
Comparing Landsat-7 ETM+ and ASTER Imageries to Estimate Daily Evapotranspiration Within a Mediterranean Vineyard Watershed. IEEE Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters. 14:459-463. . 2017.
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration over a rainfed vineyard using a 1-D water transfer model: A case study within a Mediterranean watershed. Agricultural Water Management. 184:67-76. . 2017.
Méthode opérationnelle de production d'orthophotos et de MNT décimétriques à l'échelle du kilomètre carré par cerf-volant. Drones et moyens légers aéroportés d'observation. 213-214:43-53. . 2017.
Clay content mapping from airborne hyperspectral Vis-NIR data by transferring a laboratory regression model. Geoderma. 298:54-66. . 2017.
Impact of maintenance operations on the seasonal evolution of ditch properties and functions. Agricultural Water Management. 193:191-204. . 2017.
Clay content mapping from airborne hyperspectral Vis-NIR data by transferring a laboratory regression model. Geoderma. 298:54-66. . 2017.
Spatial variability of soil aggregate stability at the scale of an agricultural region in Tunisia. CATENA. 153:157-167. . 2017.
Predictive ability of soil properties to spectral degradation from laboratory Vis-NIR spectroscopy data. Geoderma. 288:143–153. . 2017.
A spatio-temporal multiscale analysis of runoff and erosion in a Mediterranean marly catchment. Vadose Zone Journal. . 2017.
Impact of maintenance operations on the seasonal evolution of ditch properties and functions. Agricultural Water Management. 193:191-204. . 2017.
A neutral model for the simulation of linear networks in territories. Ecological Modelling. 363:8-16. . 2017.
A spatio-temporal multiscale analysis of runoff and erosion in a Mediterranean marly catchment. Vadose Zone Journal. . 2017.
Méthode opérationnelle de production d'orthophotos et de MNT décimétriques à l'échelle du kilomètre carré par cerf-volant. Drones et moyens légers aéroportés d'observation. 213-214:43-53. . 2017.
Impact of land use on soil water content in a hilly rainfed agrosystem: a case study in the Cap Bon Peninsula, Tunisia. AGROFOR International Journal. 3:64-75. . 2017.
Predictive ability of soil properties to spectral degradation from laboratory Vis-NIR spectroscopy data. Geoderma. 288:143–153. . 2017.
Comparing Landsat-7 ETM+ and ASTER Imageries to Estimate Daily Evapotranspiration Within a Mediterranean Vineyard Watershed. IEEE Geoscience And Remote Sensing Letters. 14:459-463. . 2017.
Parcel-Based Active Learning for Large Extent Cultivated Area Mapping. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. PP:1-10. . 2017.
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration over a rainfed vineyard using a 1-D water transfer model: A case study within a Mediterranean watershed. Agricultural Water Management. 184:67-76. . 2017.
PHD Thesis & HDR
Book Chapter
Chapitre 1. Cartographie de propriétés primaires de sol par télédétection optique visible-proche infra-rouge (Vis-PIR). Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection I. 1:19-50. . 2016.
Long term agro-system observatories in the Mediterranean. The mediterranean region under climate change - a scientific update. :465-475. . 2016.
Impact of Small Hill Farm Ponds on Water Flow and Nitrogen Transfer in Mediterranean Agricultural Catchment (Kamech, Cap Bon, Tunisia). Evaluation of Water Conservation Zones in Agricultural Catchments for Biomass Production, Water Quality and Food Security IEA TECDOC SERIES 1784. 1784:6-23. . 2016.
Chapter 1 - Mapping of Primary Soil Properties Using Optical Visible and Near Infrared (Vis-NIR) Remote Sensing. Land Surface Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Forest. :1-35. . 2016.
Chapitre 1. Cartographie de propriétés primaires de sol par télédétection optique visible-proche infra-rouge (Vis-PIR). Observation des surfaces continentales par télédétection I. 1:19-50. . 2016.
Long term agro-system observatories in the Mediterranean. The mediterranean region under climate change - a scientific update. :465-475. . 2016.
Chapter 1 - Mapping of Primary Soil Properties Using Optical Visible and Near Infrared (Vis-NIR) Remote Sensing. Land Surface Remote Sensing in Agriculture and Forest. :1-35. . 2016.
Conference Paper
Spatial patterns of farm land use in fragmented semi-arid landscapes: The case of Lebna catchment (Cap Bon, Tunisia). AgroMed International Conference 2016. . 2016.
Which 3D changes can be assessed from SfM processing of historical aerial imagery ? International Conference & Exhibition Advanced Geospatial Science & Technology (TeanGeo 2016), 18-20 October 2016, Tunis, Tunisia. . 2016.
Evaluating land surface fluxes over hilly agricultural watersheds. Journées CRITEX, EQUIPEX - Investissements d'Avenir. . 2016.
Evaluating land surface fluxes over hilly agricultural watersheds. Journées CRITEX, EQUIPEX - Investissements d'Avenir. . 2016.