302 resultats trouvés
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Huard F., Zitouna R., Raclot D., Ciampalini R., Prévot L., Mekki I., Jacob F..  2019.  Changement climatique dans le bassin-versant du Lebna : spatialisation haute résolution des champs de pluie et de température. 19th Scientific days of INRGREF “Sustainable Natural Resources Management under Global Change”. Hammamet, April 10-12th 2019..
Lagacherie P., Arrouays D., Bourennane H., Gomez C., Martin M., Saby N-P-A.  2019.  How far can the uncertainty on a Digital Soil Map be known?: A numerical experiment using pseudo values of clay content obtained from Vis-SWIR hyperspectral imagery Geoderma. 337:1320-1328.
Smetanová A., Follain S., David M., Ciampalini R., Raclot D., Crabit A., Le Bissonnais Y..  2019.  Landscaping compromises for land degradation neutrality: the case of soil erosion in Mediterranean agricultural landscape.. Journal of Environmental Management. 235:282-292.
Huard F., Raclot D., Mekki I., Ciampalini R., Pastor A., Hamdi R..  2019.  Méthodologie de construction de scénarios climatiques pour des objectifs de modélisation de l'érosion hydrique. 19th Scientific days of INRGREF “Sustainable Natural Resources Management under Global Change”. Hammamet, April 10-12th 2019..
Peña-Angulo D., Nadal-Romero E., González-Hidalgo J-C., Albaladejo J., Andreu V., Bagarello J., Barhi H., Batalla R-J., Bernal S., Bienes R. et al..  2019.  Spatial variability of the relationships of runoff, and sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin. Journal of Hydrology. 571:390-405.
Boudhina N., Masmoudi M-M., Alaya I., Jacob F., Ben Mechlia N..  2019.  Use of AquaCrop model for estimating crop evapotranspiration and biomass production in hilly topography. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 12:259.
Fovet O., Ruiz L., Gruau G., Akkal N., Aquilina L., Busnot S., Dupas R., Durand P., Faucheux M., Fauvel Y. et al..  2018.  AgrHyS: An Observatory of Response Times in Agro-Hydro Systems. Vadose Zone Journal. 17
Sadaoui M., Ludwig W., Bourrin F., Le Bissonnais Y., Romero E..  2018.  Anthropogenic Reservoirs of Various Sizes Trap Most of the Sediment in the Mediterranean Maghreb Basin. Water. 10, 127:n/a–n/a.
Maaoui M-A.El, Feurer D., Planchon O., Boussema M-R..  2018.  Apport des images aériennes prises par cerf-volant dans l'étude de l'érosion par ravinement. JSEABA 2018.
Aboubacar M.S..  2018.  Cartographie des déterminants de l'infiltrabilité des sols par traitement de série de données satellite optiques Sentinel-2.
Ben Slimane A., Raclot D., Rebai H., Le Bissonnais Y., Planchon O., Bouksila F..  2018.  Combining field monitoring and aerial photographs to evaluate the role of gully erosion in a Mediterranean catchment (Tunisia). Catena. 170:73-83.
Dollinger J., Dagès C., Samouélian A., Coulouma G., Lanoix M., Blanca Y., Voltz M..  2018.  Contrasting soil property patterns between ditch bed and neighbouring field profiles evidence the need of specific approaches when assessing water and pesticide fate in farmed landscapes. GEODERMA. 309:50-59.
Dollinger J., Dagès C., Samouélian A., Coulouma G., Lanoix M., Blanca Y., Voltz M..  2018.  Contrasting soil property patterns between ditch bed and neighbouring field profiles evidence the need of specific approaches when assessing water and pesticide fate in farmed landscapes. GEODERMA. 309:50-59.
Dhouib M..  2018.  Effet d'un relief collinaire sur les flux surface-atmosphère : analyse expérimentale et modélisation. :45.
Coulouma G., Lagacherie P., Prévot L..  2018.  Estimation de la réserve utile des sols viticoles par l'analyse du rapport isotopique du carbone dans les raisins (deltaC13). Journées d'Etude des Sols.
Boudhina N., Zitouna-Chebbi R., Mekki I., Jacob F., Ben Mechlia N., Masmoudi M., Prévot L..  2018.  Evaluating four gap-filling methods for eddy covariance measurements of evapotranspiration over hilly crop fields. Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems. 7:151-167.
Bahri H., Annabi M., Mekki I., Kenbi F., Ciampalini R., Pastor A., Huard F., D. R.  2018.  Impact de scénarios de changements globaux sur l’érosion hydrique au niveau du bassin versant de Kamech en Tunisie.. Colloque international sur la vulnérabilité des sols méditerranéens à l’érosion hydrique dans un contexte de changement global. Rabat, Maroc, 19 et 20 novembre 2018.
Mekki I., Zitouna-Chebbi R., Jacob F., Mechlia N., Prévot L., Albergel J., Voltz M..  2018.  Impact of land use on soil water content in a hilly rainfed agrosystem: a case study in the Cap Bon peninsula in Tunisia. AGROFOR-International Journal. 3:64-74.
Lagouarde J-P, Bhattacharya B-K., Gamet P., Babu S-S., Boulet B., Briottet X., Buddhiraju K-M., Cherchali S., Dadou I., Dedieu G. et al..  2018.  The Indian-French Trishna Mission: Earth Observation in the Thermal Infrared with High Spatio-Temporal Resolution. IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. :4078-4081.
Ciampalini R., Pastor A., Huard F., Follain S., Licciardello F., Crabit A., Le Bissonnais Y., Raclot D..  2018.  Inspecting the effect of climate and land use changes on a Mediterranean vineyard landscape.. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April 2018..
Albergel J., Biarnès A., Feurer D., Grunberger O., Jenhaoui Z., Mekki I., Raclot D., Zitouna-Chebbi R..  2018.  Kamech, a long-term observatory of critical zone in interaction with land management and the presence of a small dam in North Africa.. Colloque “Enjeux et Actualités des Observatoires de la Zone Critique en Afrique”, Niamey (Niger), 12-14 novembre 2018.
Anquetin S., Braud I., Habets F., community theOZCAR.  2018.  Linking in-situ observational networks and models to improve our understanding of the critical zone dynamics. The IR-OZCAR French contribution.. TERENO International Conference. Berlin, Oct 8-12, 2018..
Raclot D., Le Bissonnais Y., Annabi M., Sabir M., Smetanová A..  2018.  Main Issues for Preserving Mediterranean Soil Resources From Water Erosion Under Global Change. Land Degradation & Development. :n/a–n/a.
Raclot D., Le Bissonnais Y., Annabi M., Sabir M., Smetanová A..  2018.  Main Issues for Preserving Mediterranean Soil Resources From Water Erosion Under Global Change. Land Degradation & Development. :n/a–n/a.
Lagacherie P., Alvaro-Fuentes J., Annabi M., Bernoux M., Bouarfa S., Douaoui A., Grunberger O., Hammani A., Montanarella L., Mrabet R. et al..  2018.  Managing Mediterranean soil resources under global change: expected trends and mitigation strategies. Regional Environmental Change. 18
