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Changement climatique dans le bassin-versant du Lebna : spatialisation haute résolution des champs de pluie et de température. 19th Scientific days of INRGREF “Sustainable Natural Resources Management under Global Change”. Hammamet, April 10-12th 2019..
2019. How far can the uncertainty on a Digital Soil Map be known?: A numerical experiment using pseudo values of clay content obtained from Vis-SWIR hyperspectral imagery Geoderma. 337:1320-1328.
2019. Landscaping compromises for land degradation neutrality: the case of soil erosion in Mediterranean agricultural landscape.. Journal of Environmental Management. 235:282-292.
2019. Méthodologie de construction de scénarios climatiques pour des objectifs de modélisation de l'érosion hydrique. 19th Scientific days of INRGREF “Sustainable Natural Resources Management under Global Change”. Hammamet, April 10-12th 2019..
2019. Spatial variability of the relationships of runoff, and sediment yield with weather types throughout the Mediterranean basin. Journal of Hydrology. 571:390-405.
2019. Use of AquaCrop model for estimating crop evapotranspiration and biomass production in hilly topography. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 12:259.
2019. AgrHyS: An Observatory of Response Times in Agro-Hydro Systems. Vadose Zone Journal. 17
2018. Anthropogenic Reservoirs of Various Sizes Trap Most of the Sediment in the Mediterranean Maghreb Basin. Water. 10, 127:n/a–n/a.
2018. Apport des images aériennes prises par cerf-volant dans l'étude de l'érosion par ravinement. JSEABA 2018.
2018. .
2018. Combining field monitoring and aerial photographs to evaluate the role of gully erosion in a Mediterranean catchment (Tunisia). Catena. 170:73-83.
2018. Contrasting soil property patterns between ditch bed and neighbouring field profiles evidence the need of specific approaches when assessing water and pesticide fate in farmed landscapes. GEODERMA. 309:50-59.
2018. Contrasting soil property patterns between ditch bed and neighbouring field profiles evidence the need of specific approaches when assessing water and pesticide fate in farmed landscapes. GEODERMA. 309:50-59.
2018. Effet d'un relief collinaire sur les flux surface-atmosphère : analyse expérimentale et modélisation. :45.
2018. Estimation de la réserve utile des sols viticoles par l'analyse du rapport isotopique du carbone dans les raisins (deltaC13). Journées d'Etude des Sols.
2018. Evaluating four gap-filling methods for eddy covariance measurements of evapotranspiration over hilly crop fields. Geoscientific Instrumentation Methods and Data Systems. 7:151-167.
2018. Impact de scénarios de changements globaux sur l’érosion hydrique au niveau du bassin versant de Kamech en Tunisie.. Colloque international sur la vulnérabilité des sols méditerranéens à l’érosion hydrique dans un contexte de changement global. Rabat, Maroc, 19 et 20 novembre 2018.
2018. Impact of land use on soil water content in a hilly rainfed agrosystem: a case study in the Cap Bon peninsula in Tunisia. AGROFOR-International Journal. 3:64-74.
2018. The Indian-French Trishna Mission: Earth Observation in the Thermal Infrared with High Spatio-Temporal Resolution. IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. :4078-4081.
2018. Inspecting the effect of climate and land use changes on a Mediterranean vineyard landscape.. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 3-8 April 2018..
2018. Kamech, a long-term observatory of critical zone in interaction with land management and the presence of a small dam in North Africa.. Colloque “Enjeux et Actualités des Observatoires de la Zone Critique en Afrique”, Niamey (Niger), 12-14 novembre 2018.
2018. Linking in-situ observational networks and models to improve our understanding of the critical zone dynamics. The IR-OZCAR French contribution.. TERENO International Conference. Berlin, Oct 8-12, 2018..
2018. Main Issues for Preserving Mediterranean Soil Resources From Water Erosion Under Global Change. Land Degradation & Development. :n/a–n/a.
2018. Main Issues for Preserving Mediterranean Soil Resources From Water Erosion Under Global Change. Land Degradation & Development. :n/a–n/a.
2018. Managing Mediterranean soil resources under global change: expected trends and mitigation strategies. Regional Environmental Change. 18